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A Temple to Essex

A Temple to Essex

Living Architecture, set up by philosopher Alain de Botton, is a company ‘dedicated to the promotion and enjoyment of world-class modern architecture.’ It has a series of holiday homes around the UK, including the renowned Room for London on top of the Queen Elizabeth...
How to make taxidermy work for you

How to make taxidermy work for you

Leading expert Alexis Turner has been collecting natural history for more than 20 years and owns London Taxidermy, a company that hires and sells pieces with clients ranging from the Harry Potter movies to photo shoots for Vogue via private individuals. He talks what...


In the last 22 years Arkady Novikov has opened 50 restaurants in Russia. That’s right, 50, and as far as I can tell every single one has been a roaring success. His initial attempt, Sirena in 1992, was the first fish restaurant in Moscow and featured an under-floor...
Buddha Bar London

Buddha Bar London

It could be Paris or London or Prague or anywhere, but you know what to expect from a Buddha Bar. A sexy, slinky vibe, seductive décor which fuses European sang froid with Eastern decadence, a certain aura which suggests that everyone inside is cool and beautiful...